Security Industry Authority – change to ID checks

The Security Industry Authority have changed the way they carry out document checks.  All applicants must prove their identity when they apply for a licence.  These new rules are effective from mid-February 2019.

The changes brought the SIA within requirements of the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).  These are set by the Home Office.

What are the changes?

Until now, people renewing their licence or applying for a licence in an additional sector have only been Security Industry Authority (SIA)asked to submit identity documents in certain circumstances.  For example, if their address has changed since their previous application.  From mid-February full document requirements will apply to everyone.  This is regardless of whether they are applying for a new licence, renewing their existing licence or applying for a licence in an additional sector.

Previously, it was not a requirement for everybody to complete their Security Industry Authority application at a Post Office.  However, the changes mean that all applicants are now required to complete their application at a participating post office.

What identity documents do the Security Industry Authority require?

It is a requirement for Licence applicants to present one ‘Group A’ document and two ‘Group B’ documents in support of their application.  Their date of birth must show on at least one document.  Any address shown on these documents must match the address they give us in their application.

Each document must be an original and not a copy.  Therefore, applicants must plan ahead to obtain an original from banks, utility companies or local authorities.

Firstly, each Security Industry Authority license Applicant must take the correct ID documents to a participating post office.  You can find a list of participating Post Offices here.  The application will only Security Industry Authority licence - find your local participating Post Office move to ‘Checks in Progress’ once the Post Office has approved seeing the correct identity documents.  This is particularly relevant if you hope to work under your ‘ACS‘ employers License Dispensation Notice allowance.  You can only work under an ACS employers Licence Dispensation Notice when you reach the ‘Checks in Progress’ stage.

A full list of ‘Group A’ and ‘Group B’ documents is available on the Security Industry Authority website here:

What if applicants can’t get to a post office to present their documents?

Applicants who can’t get to a post office can still apply to the Security Industry Authority for a Post Office Exemption.  This is granted in some cases if there is a genuine need.  For example, for applicants who live a significant distance from a participating post office.

Please find full details of the changes here: Security Industry Authority: Changes to our document checks

We are here to help you

If you require help to complete your SIA application please contact House Guards Security office – click HERE.  Or telephone us on 01547 560022.